
425-525 Jewelcrafting Guide

 * 425 - 450
      Make 25 from any of the new Uncommon Gem Cuts that you get from your trainer. You can also make [Jasper Ring] if you an disenchant it.

    * 450 - 467
      Make around 20 uncommon gems, or you can make 17 [Hessonite Band]

    * 467 - 475
      8 x [Hessonite Band] - 8 Jeweler's Setting, 16 Hessonite

      You can also make [Carnelian Spikes] if 3 Carnelian is cheaper than 2 Hessonite. You can buy the Jeweler's Setting from the vendor.

    * 475 - 495
      20 x [Nightstone Choker] - 20 Jeweler's Setting, 40 Nightstone

      Make more Hessonite Band if you have some Hessonite left. You can also start doing the Jewelcrafting Daily quests, you can read about this in the next step. If you are not rushing things, you can buy one rare gem cut and make that recipe up to 500.

    * 495 - 525
      From this point, most of the recipes will be purchased from vendor. You need to do the Jewelcrafting daily quests if you want to buy any of these recipes. Horde players can find Marith Lazuria at Orgrimmar and Alliance players can find Isabel Jones in Stormwind. These NPCs start the daily quests.

      Between 495-500, you could also make a few more Nightstone Choker, then you can make [Fire Prism] at 500. [Fire Prism] has a 20 hour cooldown, but it can contain [Chimera's Eye]. You should make [Fire Prism] every day.

      In short, you either make Nightstone Choker between 495-500, or you do the daily quests for 4 days and buy a meta gem recipe then make that one up to 525, and do the Fire Prism recipe every day. Meta gem recipes turn green at 520, so be prepared to make a lot if you want to reach 525 as fast as possible. The best possible way is to stop at 520, and make one Fire Prism for 5 days.

Merry Christmas :D

